Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Good Night

Despite my blog time quota, I just had to blog about this movie. It’s a must see for all creative types.
Gary is a mediocre musician who refuses to accept that he might not just be as talented as he thinks.
As he dangles on that cliff of commerce vs creativity, his marriage falls apart and his best pal keeps geting more and more sucessful.
He starts dreaming of this very beautiful,passionate and supportive woman...needless to say, he began to wish his dreams would never end...and as we all endless dream can become a nightmare. Its beautifully poignant. a must see!
Danny Devito can barely walk, Penelope Cruz has gained a few pounds but still looks hot...
Favourite line in the movie...i dont want her to be happy! i want her to spend the rest of her life alone, thinking about how great i am and wishing i come back to her...Does that make me selfish...


O. emmanuel said...

The internet is the most amazing thing since the age of technology! it's sure great to keep in touch with some "home" music.
The most profound thing is finding out that determination is one of the very important keys to weather through the storms and tempest of lives. What a tragdey never to know where one is and make a turn around. Better late than never!
The africanbard.

O. emmanuel said...

The internet is the most amazing thing since the age of technology! it's sure great to keep in touch with some "home" music.
The most profound thing is finding out that determination is one of the very important keys to weather through the storms and tempest of lives. What a tragdey never to know where one is and make a turn around. Better late than never!
The africanbard.

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On a Journey to discover the taste of the Living Water!

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